Friday, October 31, 2008

Youth Impact Service on 25 October '08

We’re back! After a week break because of our church’s anniversary.
Our icebreaker was a common game, yet never seem to grow tired of playing it.
Below are some pictures that were taken. Enjoy looking at the pictures and laugh at yourself or other people's weird and funny expressions. = p

After many laughs, it was time to jump around and lift our hands to praise and worship our indescribable God.

Following the worship session, it was time for preaching by Pastor Esther. But horrors out of horrors, we had to sit for a quiz. (It was more like an exam, actually.) After many minutes of cracking our brains trying to remember what was taught in the previous weeks, we had to pass up our papers. (phew!!!)
Only the top 10 people with the most number of correct answers received presents. Congrats to the 10 guys and gals! Then, it was time for the 3rd lesson of the Tabernacle… and that is The Laver!!! (Exodus 30:17-21)

The laver could only be used by the priests. No usage allowed for people like us. It was a place where the priests cleaned themselves before entering the Holy Place and to wash the sacrifices.
For your information, now, we are all priests, and so, must wash ourselves daily by the Word of God. While washing ourselves with the Word, our real selves are revealed and as we progress on, we are changed from glory to glory into God’s likeness. When we are clean, we can then offer our worship and service to God.

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