Saturday, November 8, 2008

Youth Impact Service on 1 November '08

If you’ve been following our blog, you would know that we’re currently doing a study on the Tabernacle.

This week we’re at lesson number four which is about the Golden Lamp Stand. The Golden Lamp Stand is one of the three objects that can be found in the Holy Place (the second part of the Tabernacle). There’s no natural light in this place. The only light comes from the Golden Lamp Stand, which represents Jesus, our Light (John 9:5).

The Golden Lamp Stand has a centre shaft with 3 branches on each side, making it a 7-pronged Lamp Stand. Each branch has 3 groups of almond blossom cups complete with buds and flowers except the middle shaft which has 4 almond blossom cups. The actual dimensions of the Lamp Stand were not given, but its size, weight and beauty portrays the indescribable greatness of Christ.

The Lamp Stand weighs a talent of pure gold (which is 114 pounds) and is hammered into shape by hand without using a mould. Isn’t it amazing? The gold represents the deity of Christ while the hammering into shape of the Lamp Stand symbolizes the suffering of Jesus.

As mentioned above, the Golden Lamp Stand with its 7 lamps lights up the Holy Place; giving light to the priest to do his priestly duties, to enjoy the bread from the showbread and the smell of incense from the altar of incense (both of which will be discussed in weeks to come).

The Golden Lamp Stand symbolizes Jesus as the Light of the world and the Light of our lives that will deliver us from all darkness and death. Christ in us (light) causes us to feed on the Word (bread) and offer prayers (incense) unto God.

Every morning and evening, Aaron, the High Priest, and his sons would fill the lamps with pure olive oil to ensure that the light would shine brightly. They would also trim the wicks so that the lamps would burn with a bright rounded flame. If the wicks are lopsided or defective, then the lamps would burn with smoky or flickering flames.

We are like the wicks of God that must be willing to burn for God; to be God’s channels that manifest His light through us, for we have no light of our own. The trimming of the wicks typified the daily cleansing of our Christian walk.

The branches of the Lamp Stand typified the churches, the visible body of Christ. The believers are all directly attached to Jesus, the Source of light. The pure olive oil typified the Holy Spirit as the glowing light of illumination and revelation.

God bless.

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