Friday, October 31, 2008

Youth Impact Service on 11 October '08

There was no ice-breaker today. So we started off with an amazing time of praise and worship led by Woan Sein. Next up, was the second lesson by Bro. Vive. Today’s lesson was about the brazen altar – the altar of sacrifice. The texts are taken from Exodus 27:1-8, 38:1-7.

  1. The brazen altar is made out of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze. The bronze here refers to God’s judgment on Jesus for all of our sins.

  2. The altar was used to sacrifice animals as a temporary atonement for the Israelites’ sins.
    It actually symbolizes Jesus who is our atonement.

  3. The altar had 4 horns which were symbols of salvation for mankind.

  4. The fire on the altar cannot go out whether day or night. And so, Jesus is ever ready to forgive our sins whenever we come to Him.

    Let’s take time to be thankful that Jesus became the sacrifice on the altar for us. Now, we don’t have to bring lambs and bulls to church to ask for forgiveness. And, Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness of our sins is PERMANENT!!! Be glad about it!
    God bless.

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